
Reading Time: < 1 minute

When your car gets a puncture (increasingly called a “flat tyre” in the non-American parts of the English speaking world) in India, you open the “dicky” (“boot” in British-influenced countries), (“trunk” in America) and get the “stepney”.
What’s a stepney? No, not some suburb of London or Adelaide, but the spare wheel (and its fully-inflated tyre). Try to search for it in Google and at least in Australia, you’ll not find the Indian meaning of stepney, namely, the spare tyre. Even the car-related results are simply car dealerships and service stations in Adelaide. (The definition in the Urban Dictionary is most unkind and we won’t go there.)

Stepney, aka spare tyre
Stepney, aka spare tyre

Origin of “Stepney” as a spare tyre

The explanation is that a mechanic in Llanelli, Wales had a shop on Stepney Street and he was the first to sell spare tyres when cars did not come with them. The coat of arms of Llanelli Borough Council (not the current city’s coat of arms) even had a spare tyre on it!
For an excellent article on its origins, please visit the entry for Stepney at World Wide Words.

President Obama’s pages archived

New home for Obama's White House pages
Reading Time: < 1 minute

After Mr Donald Trump became the president at noon today (USA EST), many reported that the website removed references to Climate Change and LGBT. That isn’t entirely accurate. The website up to that point has been archived and can be found at

New home for Obama's White House pages
New home for President Obama’s White House pages

The LGBT URL was but it redirects to this temporary page

White House 404
404 error page

The page is now at – why didn’t someone tell the new team how to set up a redirect script so that all old URLs that won’t exist at can still be found. Maybe they don’t want them to be found?

LGBT pages
New URL for LGBT pages – click this image to go there.

The climate change pages are now at

Climate pages
The Climate Change pages at its new URL – click image to go there.

Other old White House pages

As best as I can tell, if you have an old URL, just replace with and add the rest of the URL to it. For example, to get to (to reach Joe Biden’s page), just go to and so on. Looks like it’s all there at the location, but some links will have broken.
